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Suffering from Fatigue? Try Music
Suffering from Fatigue? Try Music
by BetterSleep
4 min read
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Fatigue is a major problem for many adults and even children, and the consequences are significant. Several tools and techniques can help you sleep better and perk up during the day to battle fatigue. One that is often overlooked is music.

The Problem with Being Fatigued

According to surveys, more than one-third of adults report not getting enough sleep. The result is a fatigue epidemic with all the resulting consequences. Fatigue increases the risk of:

  • Injuries and accidents
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Impaired memory
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Relationship problems
  • Poor mental health

There are many reasons people struggle to get enough sleep: busy schedules, stress and worry, mental health symptoms, poor physical health, substance abuse, shift work, and more.

Music Combats Fatigue

The best solution to being too tired is to sleep more, but in the meantime, music can help you feel less fatigued during the day. When tired, it’s difficult to do anything that is mentally tasking. Even ordinary mental activities become more challenging.

A study of the effects of music on fatigue involved groups of participants who were fatigued and then asked to perform a task. One group had soothing music to listen to and reported less fatigue and greater mental clarity. While you work toward getting better sleep, use music you find soothing during the day to improve your mental energy.

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Music Helps You Sleep

The right music can also be a tool for falling asleep sooner and getting more hours of quality sleep, so you feel less fatigued in the first place. One study surveyed people who use music to sleep better. They reported that music acted as a sleep aid for several reasons:

  • Music distracts the mind from troubling thoughts and worries that interfere with sleep.
  • Music induces a state of mind and physical relaxation conducive to sleep.
  • Listening to music can become a habit that signals sleepiness at bedtime.
  • Music stimulates sleepiness.

In this study, the participants were asked what type of music they listened to before bed. Nearly one-third reported using classical music to get to sleep. Deep sleep music looks different for everyone. Some people enjoy rock music or metal before bed.

Other studies that have looked at the way music helps people sleep point to its relaxing effect. Many of the studies included older adults, hospitalized patients, and people with health conditions, but the results should extend to anyone. Music improves sleep quality, shortens the time it takes to fall asleep, improves sleep duration, and improves daytime symptoms of fatigue.

Try Meditation Music for Sleeping

BetterSleep has a library of music, sounds, and meditations all designed to help you get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Try the different tunes and pair them with your favorite meditations for a powerful combination for better sleep.

Deep sleep, relaxing music, and meditation go hand in hand. Try them together the next time you find your brain crowded with worries and stress that keep you awake.

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