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Dream Dive: Bears
Dream Dive: Bears
by BetterSleep
10 min read
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When your body is experiencing deep sleep, also known as REM sleep, there is a high chance that you’ll experience dreams of some sort.

At some point, you probably felt like the previous night’s dream was pointless, and there was no meaning, just a weird dream you couldn’t make sense of.

It’s important to understand that while you are sleeping, the brain is still active. Things that occur while you are awake can manifest in your dreams while you’re asleep. Your dreams are compromised by different factors of your health, including your emotional and psychological state.

The truth is that dreams can be your brain’s way of releasing suppressed thoughts or feelings. It could also be acting out things that you have listened to or seen on television. Scientifically speaking, it doesn’t have to have a true meaning.

What Do Bears Symbolize in Dreams?

For many humans, a bear is terrifying and a wild animal not to mess with. Not many people would like to come across a bear in their regular daily activity.

If you see a bear in your dream, you need to take notice of the state the bear is in. Is it angry? Happy? Calm?

When you’re trying to understand what your dreams mean, always look at the emotions and environmental factors in the dream. Seeing a bear in your dream could relate to different things.

  • Fear of being imposed on. A dream about a bear could be a reminder to go with your gut or your instinct.
  • Dominance. Bears in dreams can also mean that you or someone around you is trying to establish some sort of dominance or feels the need to protect something.
  • Symbol of authority. Bears symbolize power and courage. Seeing one in your dream could remind you to stay strong in difficult times.
  • Confidence and worth. Dreams about bears can relate to your self-confidence and feelings of worth. Bears are naturally solitary animals, spending a lot of time with themselves. This could be a reminder to check in with yourself and connect to the power you have within.
  • Solitude and loneliness. As already mentioned, bears have a secluded life. Seeing a bear in your dreams could symbolize your feelings of loneliness. Maybe you long for companionship, have just broken up with a long-term partner, or need more social connections in your life.
  • Aggression and disappointment. Bears are highly aggressive animals when provoked. Dreams about bears could relate to your own wild and untamed self that gets easily disappointed and annoyed at every little thing.
  • Trying to escape an unbearable situation. Bears hibernate in certain months of the year, taking a break from waking life. Dreams about bears could mean you want to escape an intolerable real-world situation. This might be a toxic relationship, a stressful job, or a damaging habit you just can’t let go of.
  • Concern for your family. Female bears are highly protective of their young. Seeing a bear in your dreams could represent your concern for a family member or close friend. You might want to protect them under any circumstances but are unsure how.
  • Emotional dependence and possessiveness. Have you seen a panda bear hug its master tightly? Or a koala bear cuddling its cubs? Bears are powerful but extremely loving and possessive. A dream about a bear could mean you feel emotionally dependent on someone in your life or even a little needy.
  • Women’s power and femininity. Dreams about bears could symbolize a strong female figure in your life that you have huge respect for. Mother bears are strong and protective; such a dream could encourage you to tap into your strong, feminine power.
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Different Colors of Bears and Their Dream Meanings

The meaning of bears in your dream could also depend on the color of the bear.

  • A black bear in your dreams: Black bears symbolize endings or reaching a new cycle in your life. If you see a black bear in your dream, it could be the beginning of something new. A black bear in your dream can also relate to your power, inner strength, and independence. This dream reminds you to stay strong in your life and face struggles head-on.
  • A brown bear in your dreams: Brown bears are often called grizzly bears. Psychologically, they can have different meanings, like reaching a new level of strength or power. Dreaming about a brown bear could also mean that someone in your life is too overpowering. They are seen as exerting dominance over you in ways that make you uncomfortable or fearful of them.
  • White bears in dreams: The white polar bear typically lives in extremely cold and harsh conditions. Seeing this type of bear in your dream symbolizes overcoming challenging situations and that you should realize how strong you are.
  • Grey bears in dreams. Seeing a grey bear in your dream points to you being a keen observer in waking life. Such dreams encourage you to keep an open mind for the near future.

Different Species of Bear and Their Dream Meanings

A Polar Bear in Your Dreams

The polar bear is pure white which symbolizes purity, humility, innocence, and positiveness. This bear is tough and adaptable, surviving in extremely harsh conditions.

Seeing a polar bear in your dreams is a reminder to stay strong in adverse situations. Like the polar bear, you have the physical and emotional strength to overcome anything.

A Grizzly Bear in Your Dreams

Seeing a grizzly bear in your dream means you’re strong, proud, and courageous in everything you do. Even if you don’t always feel like this, seeing the grizzly bear is a reminder to trust yourself and keep moving forward.

Grizzly bears are extremely protective of their cubs. This type of dream could also point to you feeling protective or fearing for the safety of someone in your life.

A Koala Bear in Your Dreams

Koala bears are known to be friendly, happy, and agile creatures. If a koala bear comes into your dream, it’s a reminder to stay happy and positive in all you do.

Koalas also spend three-quarters of their waking life napping on the tree tops. So, seeing this cute creature is an encouragement for you to get a good night’s rest to reduce stress and recharge.

A Panda Bear in Your Dreams

Panda bears symbolize prosperity and good luck. Their black and white coloring is like yin and yang, carrying completely different messages.

White is symbolic of purity, clarity, and simplicity, while black represents pride, power, aggression, and authority. A panda bear in your dreams is telling you to keep moving forward, despite the obstacles put in your path.

A Teddy Bear in Your Dreams

A teddy bear in your dreams symbolizes innocence, fun, and worry-free times when life was simple. It also relates to feeling safe and comforted, representing emotional dependency on someone or something.

If you’re dreaming about teddy bears, maybe you need to find a bit of that lost innocence. On the other hand, perhaps you’re too needy and clingy with someone in your life.

A Sun Bear in Your Dreams

Sun bears are said to represent masculine energy, being a bold reddish-orange color. Dreaming about sun bears means you should hold your ground in difficult situations and channel your energy into self-growth.

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Dreams About the Bears’ Actions

Dreams About Bears Chasing You

A bear aggressively chasing you in your dream could mean that there are problems in your waking life that you’ve been trying to avoid. Some people would see this dream and automatically assume that the bear’s aggression symbolizes somebody you know trying to attack you.

When it comes to dreams, most of the meaning will come from within. Avoiding problemsin life will create emotions that you are unaware of. That feeling of always being unsettled will remain there, even when you fall asleep.

Dreams About Bears Attacking

If you dream about a bear attack, this could relate to your aggression and how hostile you can be with others in your own life. Maybe your aggressive nature has isolated you from social circles?

An aggressive bear in your dream can also be linked to resentments you have stored up in the subconscious mind.

A dream about a bear attacking your family could symbolize how protective you feel of them. If the attack happens at home, this could mean you’re scared about whether you can protect them.

If the bear attack happens while out camping. This could mean you know you’re taking some sort of risk. After all, the aggressive bear is attacking you outdoors, on his home turf, not your own.

Dreams About a Bear Killing

When a bear kills someone in your dream, this could relate to you wanting to escape from a stressful situation in waking life.

It could also relate to a recent situation that has gotten out of hand. Perhaps someone has been annoying you for a while, and you want to strike back.

Alternately, maybe you’ve been attacking someone, and they’ve had enough of you.

Dreams About Bears Playing

Dreaming about bears playing relates to enjoyment, pleasure, and happiness in real life. This dream is telling you to enjoy yourself and not let life pass you by.

Live every day in the moment and spend quality time with family and friends. Go on holiday, follow your passions and do what makes you happy.

Dreams About Bears in the House

Dreams about bears in the house symbolize a strong female figure in your home or inner circle that you rely upon. This could be your sister, mother, wife, girlfriend, boss, or female colleague.

Dreams about bears in a house are telling you to take care of those close to you and symbolize the importance of love, shelter, stability, and family life.

Dreams About Baby Bears

Bears are incredibly protective and will do anything to shield their young cubs from an outside threat. If your dream contains a mother bear and her baby bear, it can symbolize your protectiveness for a child or sibling in your waking life and how you’re concerned for their wellbeing.

Dreams About a Sleeping Bear

A sleeping or resting bear can relate to your thoughtful and introspective side. A peaceful bear represents a mind that is calm, deep thinking, and on a path to spiritual growth. If you’re feeling a little lost in life, a resting bear is a sign you need to take the time to look deep inside yourself for answers.

Dreams About a Bear Running

A bear in your dream running away from you can be a warning sign that you run away from life’s troubles instead of facing them head-on.

Think about your behavior when life gets tough in waking life. If you struggle to deal with problems, this is a sign to toughen up and deal with situations.

Dreams About a Bear Talking

Bears symbolize knowledge and intuition. The talking bear dream means they have a valuable message you should pay attention to.

If you’re going through a struggle in waking life, your bear spirit animal is trying to guide you, and it also shows your desire to follow a path full of wisdom and intuition.

Dreams About a Sick or Injured Bear

Dreaming about a sick or injured bear can have a negative meaning. It symbolizes obstacles or problems you may have in your life.

Maybe you feel stuck or trapped by a particular situation? This dream suggests that certain issues in real life are stopping you from making progress.

Dreams About Bears Fighting

Do you see fighting bears in your dreams? This symbolic meaning could point to you fighting your own internal battle and continually feeling overwhelmed in daily life.

Dreams about bears fighting can also relate to conflicting good and bad habits battling one another or that you feel at a crossroads in life.

Dreams About a Dancing Bear

The dancing bear in a dream represents an obstacle or impending danger. You may be in a situation that requires you to be confident and not worry about what others think about you. Stay strong and work on finding the courage to move forward.

Dreams About a Dead Bear

Dreaming of a dead bear symbolizes your power, authority, and being in charge of your destiny. You are looking after yourself and managing what goes on in your world efficiently.

However, a dead bear dream can also mean you’re feeling too weak to fight on and achieve your goals.

Dreams About a Hibernating Bear

These types of dreams can represent how you’ve been dormant for a while. Have you been hiding yourself away or trying to avoid doing an important task? If this sounds like you, maybe it’s time to re-emerge, get things done, and step into a new life or new you.

Dreams About Bear Traps

Bear traps are small, closed spaces, and this type of dream suggests you’re working on a new idea or creative outlet. A new venture may start small, but it has the power to grow into something huge. Keep working on what you’re passionate about in your waking life.

If you see yourself trapped in the bear trap, this could be a bad omen, where you feel overwhelmed or stuck in a situation you don’t like. Maybe it’s time to assess what you want in life and make a change.

Dreaming About a Bear on its Hind Legs

A bear in your dream standing on its hind legs is a sign you need to defend yourself and your beliefs. Has someone challenged you recently? If you feel strongly about something but feel you’re not being listened to, this could be a sign you need to get your voice heard.

Dreams About Your Action Towards the Bear

Dreaming About Setting a Bear Trap

Setting a bear trap in your dream means you are experiencing difficulties that you find hard to overcome. Setting the bear trap may also symbolize that you have bad habits that are setting you up for failure.

Dreaming You Are the Bear

If you are the bear in your dream, it represents your confidence and independence. It also symbolizes wanting to be left alone and can mean time alone with yourself is needed.

Dreams About Hugging a Bear

Dreaming about hugging a bear or getting bear-hugged is a good sign. It represents friendliness towards others in a difficult situation. It is a reminder to look beneath the surface of someone’s tough exterior. Everyone needs a hug and to hug others.

Dream About Trying to Wake Up a Bear

Are you trying to wake up a bear in your dream? This could relate to a hidden side of your personality that feels stifled and not allowed to be shown. Maybe your creativity or talent has not been used for a long time.

This type of dream could be the push you need to revive that hidden element of yourself. If you love doing something and can’t stop thinking about it, go after what you want.

Dreaming About Feeding a Bear

Dreams about feeding a hungry bear could signal you’re going to start a new project or business soon. A fresh start or new beginning is on the horizon, and this dream is reminding you to start putting plans into action.

Remember to have self-belief, and don’t be afraid to take risks. When you work hard and are determined to make things happen, your dream can become a reality.

Dream About Keeping a Bear Pet

Hugging a bear in your dream represents your ability to be open and accepting of those who are not so friendly back to you. This dream has a positive meaning and is a good sign that you have excellent social skills, public relations, and the ability to adapt to challenging situations.

What’s the Spiritual Meaning of Seeing Bears in a Dream?

Bears are powerful animals, respected for their strength, courage, and authority in the animal kingdom. In the spiritual world, seeing a bear in your dreams is a sign to stay strong during tough times.

Seeing a bear in your dream also relates to respect and leadership since they are seen as authority figures in the wild. This dream is reminding you to take fearless action and take charge of your surroundings.

To sum up, the spiritual meaning of bears in dreams encourages you to:

  • Lead yourself and others with confidence
  • Stand tall and face your fears during tough times
  • Stay determined and strong-willed
  • Spend time in solitude, like the bear does, to spiritually grow
  • Always stand up for yourself and make your presence felt
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Cultural Interpretations of Bear Dreams

Bear dreams have a symbolic meaning in different cultures around the world.


In European culture, dreams about bears relate to authority and power. If you feel like you’ve lost your power, a bear in a dream is signaling for you to take it back.


Bear dreams in Chinese culture symbolize positive energy, honor, and pride. Panda bears are especially important, known for their slow-moving, laid-back nature. In Chinese culture, seeing one in your dream could mean you need to slow down and avoid overdoing it.


In Russian culture, the bear is a highly respected animal. It symbolizes strength, honor, and pride.

North America

Dreams about bears in North American culture relate to honor, luck, and social status. It’s also seen as protective and represents the wisdom needed to cut your path in life.


Dreaming about bears in Islamic culture symbolizes treachery and malicious intent.


Bear dream interpretation in Christianity is generally a good sign. It symbolizes strength and independence. Seeing one is a sign to put your fears and insecurities aside and face your problems head-on.

Dreams About Bears - What Psychologists Think

Research has shown that dreams are not simply a byproduct of sleep, but they serve an essential function in our health and wellbeing. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, believed that dreams represented an unfulfillment or repressed wish.

He also believed that bear dreams represented the passive-aggressive personality of a person. The bear survives alone in the wild with power and authority. Thus, if you dream about bears, this represents the bold, strong, and wild side of your persona.

A bear appearing in your dreams is encouraging you to take control of your life, step into your power and find the inner strength to keep moving forward.

How to Interpret the Meaning of Your Bear Dream?

After dreaming about a bear, you may be wondering what this means. Dream interpretation will vary according to the color, type, and action of the bear in your dream.

To find out what your bear dream means, you need to ask yourself the right questions, such as:

  • What color was the bear?
  • Was it a peaceful bear or a bear attacking you?
  • Did the bear do anything else in your dream?
  • Was the bear in the wild or a closed space like your house?
  • Was the bear moving or quiet and still?
  • How did you feel when you saw the bear, e.g., happy, sad, scared
  • How did you feel once you woke up from the dream?
  • Does the dream relate to anything going on in your real life?
Dream Dive: Cats

Final Thoughts

While experts disagree on the extent to which dreams reflect our subconscious desires, new research has shown that they influence people’s attitudes and decisions.

When you see a bear in your dreams, it can generally be taken as a positive event. Bears are powerful, strong, protective, and able to succeed in the wild alone as respected predators.

This should be a reminder that you are also capable and strong. You can achieve anything you want in life by tapping into your inner strength.

It is crucial to face the emotions and psychological encounters that you may face in reality that can affect your emotional and mental health. The BetterSleep app has different resources and practices that will help improve your emotional, physical, and psychological health, leading to better rest.

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