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Swaddles and Sleep Sacks: What You Need to Know
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Swaddles and Sleep Sacks: What You Need to Know
by BetterSleep
4 min read
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While parents are advised to keep their baby’s crib empty, finding ways to create a nice sleep environment for them can get a bit difficult.

Swaddling your baby or putting them in a sleep sack can help them get quality sleep and comfort when it’s time to rest. Both swaddling and sleep sacks have their benefits but it’s still necessary to know the best options for your baby’s health.

Swaddling Your Baby

Most parents look at swaddling babies as a hassle or a lot of work. From choosing the right blanket to the proper way to tuck and fold, swaddling can get a bit difficult. This shouldn’t discourage you from learning how and the benefits of swaddling.

Benefits of Swaddling

  • Swaddling can protect babies against their natural startle reflex. Their startle reflex can wake them up in the middle of their sleep.
  • Swaddling prevents babies from scratching themselves, which is common for infants.
  • It helps prevents SIDS by keeping items like blankets out of the crib.
  • Swaddling keeps babies on their backs while sleeping. This sleep position is perfect for infants because their airway is the most open like this.

When it comes to choosing the best swaddle blanket for your baby, it is a matter of understanding your baby’s body and health conditions.

The most common swaddle blanket is the traditional one. The traditional swaddle blanket can be used for other things like a regular blanket and burping. The only thing to take note of is that there is a bit of a learning curve.

Swaddle Sacks

Swaddle sacks are also known as two-in-one swaddles. Swaddle sacks are easier to navigate for new parents who are having a difficult time learning how to use a regular swaddle blanket.

Swaddle sacks usually come with velcro, zippers, or snaps. Swaddle sacks do not completely bundle babies up like a regular swaddle blanket. Babies can still move their arms up, down, and to the side.

When to Stop Swaddling

Parents should stop swaddling their babies once they see signs of them trying to turn over on all fours. Once a baby is strong enough for these movements, it’s time for a more unrestricted sleeping environment.

Taking a baby away from swaddling can be difficult after they have grown accustomed to it. You can transition your baby out of swaddling in two different ways:

  • Using a swaddle transition. This is a wearable blanket with free arms but it still has the coziness of a regular swaddle.

After your baby uses the swaddle transition long enough, you can completely remove them from the practice.

  • Swaddle one arm to transition. Normally, swaddling your baby restricts both arms. To transition out of swaddling, you can start by swaddling only one arm, while letting the other arm be free.

Eventually, your baby will be able to sleep without being swaddled.

Creating the perfect sleep environment is important for getting quality sleep. That is why the BetterSleep app takes pride in providing the resources for you and your family to get proper rest.

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