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BetterSleep’s Favorite Insomnia Memes
BetterSleep’s Favorite Insomnia Memes
by BetterSleep
4 min read
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Memes have quickly become a core aspect of internet culture. They have a way of relating to our struggles while also putting a smile on our faces. Today we wanted to share our favorite insomnia memes.

1. Can’t sleep meme

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You might relate to dealing with fatigue due to mental health issues. There are sometimes battles between our anxiety and the fatigue we feel. On one end of the spectrum, we’re very tired, but on the other end, we can’t sleep because our anxiety is bothering us.

2. The brain won't shut off meme

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We love this meme because we feel like we can all relate to the struggle of our brain going into hyperdrive some nights. You crawl into bed, and suddenly, you have thoughts about that incident that happened in the third grade. Or, you find yourself thinking about all the stuff you’ve got to do tomorrow.

3. No sleep meme

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One of our favorite no sleep memes comes from none other than Michael Scott from the office. Anxiety at night can sometimes take its toll on our ability to sleep. This meme sums it up in one simple sentence.

4. Insomnia meme

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Whether you’re into pop culture or not, this fashion statement from Kim Kardashian shows just how hard it is to ignore your insomnia. This is one of those funny insomnia memes we had to add to the list!

5. When you can’t sleep at night meme

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You wake up to your dreaded alarm only to find yourself wanting to sleep more. You then make your way to work and/or school, and there it is again, that desire to fall face flat on the floor and enjoy a nap in the middle of your day.

However, when it’s time to sleep at night, you can’t. We can all relate to the feeling of lying awake in bed. This meme does a great job of visualizing how it feels.

6. Lack of sleep because of binge-watching meme

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Finding a new show that you like is a good thing, right? Sometimes, it’s not. You might find yourself staying up too late just to watch it. In return, causing sleepless nights - this meme really hits the nail on the head.

7. Wide awake meme

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Why is it that just as we're supposed to be waking up, we're finally fast asleep? We love this meme because we feel like we’ve all been in this position at some point.

8. Sleep deprivation meme

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We were all in such a rush to finish school. Little did we know, in the adult world, we’d be talking to each other about how tired we were constantly. Were pretty positive every adult has a conversation like this at some point. This is our favorite sleep deprived meme!

9. Baby Yoda meme

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Tossing and turning - you struggle to find a comfortable sleeping position. After a few minutes, you finally find one. However, just as you do, you have to go to the washroom. It seems like all those adjustments were for nothing!

10. Risking it all for a few more minutes

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We love this meme because we’ve all found ourselves snoozing our alarms just for a few more minutes of sleep. Meanwhile, we’ve got major responsibilities to take care of - it’s a delicate balance!

Closing thoughts - BetterSleeps favorite insomnia memes

Insomnia affects a large part of the population. With that said, sometimes you’ve got to laugh at yourself and find some joy in your struggles.

BetterSleep can help you fight your insomnia and get that well-deserved shut eye you need to feel more energetic, happier, and productive! Try BetterSleep for free today.

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