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Discover the Meaning Behind Common Meditation Terms
Discover the Meaning Behind Common Meditation Terms
by BetterSleep
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If you’re new to meditation, you might’ve encountered quite a few terms you’re unfamiliar with. Read on to learn more about the meaning behind these terms so that you can deepen your relaxation meditation practice.

1. Shamatha

Shamatha translates to “tranquility”. It’s a type of meditation that focuses on mindfulness and concentration. During Shamatha meditation, you become aware of your thoughts and learn to experience your mind as it is, without judgment.

2. Mindfulness and Awareness

Meditation can help you achieve both mindfulness and awareness. But what’s the difference between the two?

While mindfulness involves introspection of oneself, awareness is instead about becoming aware of the present moment and what your senses perceive.

4. Sādhanā

Sādhanā is a Sanskrit term that refers to a disciplined daily practice of surrendering the ego. It’s an umbrella term that can include anything that involves spiritual growth. Even a short, 5-minute meditation daily can be a form of Sādhanā.

5. Mantra

A mantra is a word or phrase that you can chant during meditation. Some mantras are also spoken in your mind. They give your meditation purpose and help you stay focused as you meditate.

6. Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya is a Mantra that’s chanted during some meditations. Chanting this mantra can help infuse yourself with positive energy while removing negative energy. Chanting also helps you stabilize a restless mind.

7. Om Shanti

Om Shanti is another commonly used mantra in meditation. It’s usually chanted three times, like this:

Om shanti shanti shanti

This translates to “Om, peace, peace, peace”. It’s usually chanted to invoke peace during meditation.

8. Nirvana

Nirvana is a Buddhist state in which all suffering ceases. It’s Sanskrit that translates to “the blowing out”.

9. Enlightenment

Enlightenment can have several meanings depending on who you ask. In Buddism, enlightenment is where practitioners aim to go. Finding enlightenment means finding life’s truth, which is the point at which you stop being reborn. Instead of being reborn, you reach Nirvana upon your passing.

10. Ashram

An ashram is a spiritual home where a community of swamis and yogis live together. Those who live in an ashram devote themselves to spiritual living. You may encounter ashrams if you attend meditation retreats.

11. Chakra

Chakras are energy points found in various areas of your body. Different chakras can have various influences on your physical and mental wellness. You can use meditation to get your chakras aligned.

12. Kundalini

Kundalini refers to snake-like energy coiled within all of us. You can use Kundalini meditation to channel and release this energy to relieve stress and improve your consciousness.

13. Mudra

During meditation, you can hold your hands in various positions. These are called mudras. Mudra translates to “gesture” from Sanskrit. These hand gestures are said to connect your individual force with universal energy.

For instance, a common mudra often shown in meditation is Jnana/Gyan Mudra — in which you fold your index fingers to touch the inside root of your thumbs. It’s also referred to as the Psychic Gesture of Knowledge.

You can learn more about these terms and the meditations that accompany them with the BetterSleep App. Try it for free to experience how meditation can help you improve your sleep.

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